Pilgrimage to Sacred Heart Major Seminary
and Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament
Tuesday November 14, 2023
Join us on this day long pilgrimage to Detroit to visit Sacred Heart Major Seminary and Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Transporation will be provided via a deluxe 53 seat Dean coach bus. Mass will be held at the Seminary. Boxed lunches will be provided. We also plan to visit one of the most beautiful churched in downtown Detroit, Sweetest Heart of Mary. Our Chaplain is Fr. Mike Cassar, Vocations Director for the Diocese of Lansing and graduate of Sacred Heart.
The bus will depart at 7:45 from the Catholic Community of St. Jude in DeWitt, and return late afternoon. Please be early to board the bus prior to 7:45 AM. Space is limited. Payment is to be submitted with your registration form.
Registration fee: $80/person (includes boxed lunch)